Our story

Our story dates back to 2004 when the Superciaotour Project Leader, Federica Protti, accompanied a group of Italian language teachers from America on her first exploratory trip to Italy to visit Italian schools and learn about the methods they use to teach English.

Our activities and our commitment have multiplied since that distant 2004; in fact, in collaboration with Studio Arcobaleno we have worked hard in the travel sector and have created hundreds of personalized itineraries tailored to American schools according to their different needs, as can be seen on the site:

Superciao Tour, Educultural Travel Made in Italy

Now we are immensely pleased to have created a separate, independent business – Superciao Tour, Educultural travel made in Italy – with an offering of trips featuring truly special activities ranging from all kinds of workshops to visits to places beyond the usual cities of classic tourism, but of fundamental cultural reference, to tastings, sports initiatives, meetings with Italian schools…
Specialized in mass-media linguistic and cultural studies, the Project Leader has organized a methodological-didactic study team and has thus successfully created, developed, and proposed teaching materials for Italian teachers abroad, and especially in the United States, which focus on Italian art, the country, culture, history, all presented according to specific indications and local school programs.

Superciao Educational

Superciao Educational is a further development and a great novelty in the publishing world, as it focuses above all on Italian culture, also explored through travel, and can easily incorporate moments for learning about and teaching Italian language and culture.
Our multimedia, interactive, online teaching materials let students get closer to all the aspects of our great Italian cultural heritage. The individual Projects have different contents, different situations, proposals ranging among various fields and cultural areas, all however united by a common denominator: the great culture that our company supports both in relation to conscious, educational, and cultural tourism and to the teaching materials that beautifully convey the major themes.

The new Projects launched in 2020 examine a journey through Italy using the travel diaries of some students, who carry out research and seek information with crosswords revealing our Italian treasures, along with the images of some of our most famous artists. This is a first proposal that seeks to combine the field of cultural tourism for which we are distinguished with a student’s preparations, through research, for a journey to come explore Italy, or perhaps simply studies if the journey is still just a dream. For those who have already traveled here, it is instead a matter of consolidating and confirming what was experienced, helping them organize all that they have learned.

Our Superciao Educational teaching materials follow this outline to help build a student’s knowledge. Fully ready, they seek to always be present and at the forefront for schools and beyond thanks to in-depth methodological and didactic research. They will be offered on a regular and periodic basis, constantly evolving thanks to the research.
The authors coordinated by the Superciaotour Project Leader have taught for years; they have always sought to further their knowledge of the best methods for teaching Italian Language and Culture abroad. They are now highly committed to focusing on this new sector: the creation of EDUCATIONAL teaching materials that can perfectly integrate with the travel sector, because in the end traveling is discovering new lands and environments and discovering new languages. Our Italian language, one of the most studied in the world, now finds new support in EDUCATIONAL materials.
2021 will be a further step forward with some new courses offered remotely.
Our new remote learning courses, Italiano senza frontiere and Passaporto per l’Italia, are our new achievements in this regard. The former uses Google classroom and the latter has its own dedicated platform.

Our Projects

All the materials have common characteristics that facilitate the transition from one type of material to another; indeed, they are marked and set up with the same functions:

  • interactive activities to be carried out in class or individually;
  • ability to save and print work;
  • a playful perspective to encourage students’ participation and interest;
  • optional support in English for materials for English-speaking students;
  • integration between Language and Culture;
  • exploration of different Italian cultural topics;
  • exploratory dimension;
  • support for independent work and research with materials specially created and provided for consultation;
  • development of all the use skills of the language;
  • use of various linguistic registers with particular attention to daily communication;
  • answers included, where possible;
  • guide for the teacher including indications to support the work, divided into:
    – Language and Culture
    – Teaching strategies and methodology
    – Instructions for use;
  • independent work and its verification;
  • possible coordination by a teacher or completely independent.